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The halligan. It is perhaps the most iconic tool when it comes to188金博网网址多少. But where did it come from? Why was it developed? Who made it? How have we progressed to our present-day halligans? A lot in the fire service have heard the back story, at least to some degree. If you’re into folklore, you may have heard the rumors about markings on the original halligans. If you’re a tool nerd like me, not only do you care about the history of the tool, but you also care about its quality, functionality, and not only whether the tool works, but how it works and why. This series is broken down into three parts: The history of the halligan from predecessors to the modern Pro-Bar, modern halligan comparisons, and finally the science behind the halligan, and why it works (levers and mechanical advantage.)
The Ins and Out of the Halligan:第二部分:有很多Halligans,但这是我的|第三部分:它是如何工作的
In 1916, Hugh Halligan was appointed to the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and served until 1959. For 43 years, Chief Halligan devoted himself to the fire service, having served in all bureaus of the department and having risen to the rank of deputy chief. A few years after he joined the fire service, the FDNY adopted its first modern pry bar, the claw tool (photo 1). The claw tool was heavy, hard to use, and hard to strike with because of an off-center striking surface. It had a claw on one end and forks on the other. As the story goes in FDNY history, bank robbers set fire to a bank to cover their tracks. During overhaul, firefighters discovered the claw tool. Intrigued by its design and that it could be used to break into a bank, the firefighters adopted it, with replicas began being produced until it was the adopted forcible entry tool for the FDNY.
Some years went by and things changed, as they always do in the fire service. Captain John Kelly of Ladder 163 produced what was called the Kelly tool (photo 2). The Kelly tool was shorter, around 24 inches, and made of welded steel. The tool was still very heavy. The Kelly tool got rid of the claw and off-centered striking surface, replacing the claw with the adz. This placed the striking point in line with the shaft of the tool. The forks end was also replaced with a chisel end. This tool became a go-to for forcible entry, however, many firemen still preferred the claw tool for some specific advantages it had over the Kelly tool. Often both tools would be carried. We even have a version still floating around at my department called the Callahan tool. Many of our old heads still refer to the halligan as a Callahan.
Enter Chief Halligan. Chief Halligan thought he could improve on both these tools. Several years before the invention of the halligan, Chief Halligan was at a cellar fire, where he noticed many apparent disadvantages of the claw tool. He was so convinced of the need for a new tool that he approached the FDNY commissioner at the time, John J. McElligott. Commissioner McElligott ordered Chief Halligan to begin work on something new for the department. Chief Halligan was impressed with a tool that fire patrol was using at the time, which had a straight drive and a “sweeping claw.” The disadvantages of this tool were that it was welded and that it weighed a lot. Chief Halligan wanted something that was lightweight and easily handled but that was still strong and would not break in the heat of battle. The chief spent hours researching and using trial and error to come up with the perfect tool. In 1948, the halligan tool was born (photo 3). Chief Halligan stated that the original tools took 18 hours to make. The original tools had to be heated slowly, which several times led to some of the tools breaking under heavy usage. Chief Halligan refused to cast the tools knowing that they still would be susceptible to breaking when needed most. Chief Halligan decided on a drop-forged tool from one piece of No. 4140 (high carbon content) steel.
RELATED:The Halligan: ‘The Maximum in Utility, Efficiency, and Speed’|Upgrading the Halligan Bar’s Roof Ring|Tricks of the Trade: Another Use for The Halligan Bar
我个人最喜欢的Halligan的民俗故事之一涉及叉子上的邮票。龙舌兰的后来版本有叉子的一侧+ dg(照片4)。主席哈利格是一个非常宗教的人,据信它被认为是Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,拉丁语“为了上帝的较大荣耀”。据说首席哈拿尾人将为每个新成员发作的念珠子,但这任务变得过于压倒。在我对本文的研究期间,我偶然发现了一个关于Hotelandirons.com的评论部分。在他们的网站上,他们与同样的故事相关。一个名叫弗吉尼亚罗杰斯的女人,他指出她是哈利格恩的孙女,评论了AM + DG确实代表Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
(5) Three-piece halligan.
RELATED:Hydraulics vs. Halligans: Choosing the Appropriate Forcible Entry Method|修改Halligan.|Halligan Squaring
进入威廉·麦克劳克林。你听说过K -Tool? Yeah, McLaughlin invented that too. The K-Tool was invented in 1972 and in 1975, McLaughlin invented the Pro-Bar (photo 7). McLaughlin and his cousin, Bob Farrell, an FDNY captain, wanted a tool with long, slender forks and a slightly longer adz than the original halligan. They also wanted an adz with a slight curve to it, unlike the pinned three-piece halligans that were on the market. They went through trial and error and, luckily for them, Bob was the captain of Ladder 31 in the Bronx. Their designs got plenty of use.
(8) Pro-Bar forks, marked K-Tool Co.
McLaughlin already had a patent on it and already owned a company, because he had been making the K-Tool for the past few years. The original Pro-Bars were made by the K-Tool Company. That is why to this day the forks are stamped with K-Tool Co (photo 8). Now when McLaughlin and Farrell were getting ready to go to market with their new bar, they went to Chief Halligan with the idea of keeping the name “halligan.” Although the patent on the halligan had long been out, names can be trademarked or renewed indefinitely. McLaughlin and Farrell told Chief Halligan how they had improved on his tool and how they want to keep his name. They offered to pay him a permanent royalty and continue to pay his family after he dies, since the family owns the name of the “halligan tool.” Chief Halligan thought all this was great but he had one question: were they going to sell to the FDNY? McLaughlin and Farrell said that they planned to sell to their own department, if the department will have it. That was a deal breaker for Chief Halligan, and he never gave them use of the name.
Captain Farrell was injured on the job and retired. He started the company Fire Hooks Unlimited in 1980. McLaughlin licensed the Pro-Bar and K-Tool to Farrell and Fire Hooks Unlimited, which continues to manufacture both today. The Pro-Bar is THE standard when it comes to halligan design and quality and is the forcible entry tool issued by the FDNY and departments across the country.
为此文章进行材料搜索互联网的数小时。我要感谢Sean Wilson的皇家橡木(MI)消防部门和所有者升起火灾训练,LLC为了他的帮助填补所有差距。
Clay Mageeis an instructor withMagic City Truck Academy和一个消防员/护理人员,伯明翰(al)火灾和救援和切尔西火和救援。他目前被分配到伯明翰救援20。克莱于2004年开始与东奥牛埃消防部门的职业生涯,同时参加密西西比州州立大学。自2013年以来,他一直在伯明翰火灾。他对强行进入和高层业务充满热情。188金宝搏合法他拥有密西西比州州立大学的工商管理学士学位,这是来自哥伦比亚南方大学的消防科学副学士学位,以及阿拉巴马州火灾学院的多项认证。