Don’t Break the Glass: Storefront Through-the-Lock Training


By Clay Magee

Through-the-lock(TTL)forcible entryis a neglected skill in many fire departments. A lot of fire departments view pulling locks as a low-priority skill for situations such as lock outs or automatic fire alarms. Because of this view, many departments never useTTL因为他们不需要在所有商业火灾警报器上访问。部门在卡车上有一个锁定工具,藏在其他从未使用过的设备之后,找不到关键工具,这并不少见。更糟糕的是,将工具放在卡车上,没有成员知道如何使用它。TTL肯定在火场上有一个位置。借助正确的工具和很少的训练,消防员可以卸下锁并在几秒钟内打开门,假设没有其他锁定设备。考虑到为什么我会在火场上选择这样的方法,而两者都涉及铝制框架玻璃门,这两个主要原因是在许多商业占用物(例如加油站和脱衣舞厅)中发现的。


Training Minutes: Through-the-Lock Entry: Tubular Deadbolt


Truck Company Tools Across the Country


The first reason to use TTL would simply be that breaking the glass might not allow immediate entry. Many times in the urban environment stores are protected with extra security. Although the rear doors may have multiple deadbolts and drop bars, the front may include metal bars across the doors and the storefront windows (Photo 1, 2, and 3), hampering entry through both doors and windows without additional work and thereby impeding efficient entry.

Security on doors
Bars across storefront windows

For the uniformed or inexperienced firefighter, the thought behind process breaking the glass may be one of two things. They may expect to break the glass and step through the door, if no obstacles such as bars are in the way. Second, if bars are present, they may think they would be to break the glass and reach in and unlock the door. Many times, however, these locks are double keyed and will prevent the firefighter from unlocking the door from the inside.




The Vertical Deadbolt Lock


The Tools


(4) K tool

K-Tool(photo 4),对'1970年代的威廉·麦克劳克林(William McLaughlin)发明了对Mortise和Rim Locks的有用,他与Bob Farrell一起设计了Pro-Bar。K-Tool从背面的拉杆形状得名(photo 5)。K-Tool is placed over the lock flush with the surface of the door. The tool is beat down onto the lock as the blades of the tool lock on to the sides of the lock cylinder. The adz of the halligan is placed through the front (photo 6),用作杠杆将锁从门上拉出。

(7) Rex tool
Chennel Lock钳子

雷克斯工具(photo 7), useful on mortise and rim locks, was invented by Bob Morris of the Fire Department of New York. It is a stand-alone lock puller not requiring any other tool to pull the lock. The Rex tool is driven over the top of the lock and then used to pull the lock cylinder out of the door. The channel locks (photo 8) can be used on mortise locks due to the way the cylinders are installed in the door. Mortise lock cylinders are screwed into the lock body, through the face of the door. When it is installed, set screws (photo 9) are put in place to help keep the lock cylinder in place. By using channel locks or vice grips, we can grip the sides of the lock cylinder and use their leverage to unscrew the cylinder from the door. It will take some effort in the beginning to unscrew the lock as you will have to overcome the set screws and break them initially as you unscrew the lock body. Sometimes collars are installed around the edge of the mortise cylinder to keep the educated criminal from doing this exact thing. One method of overcoming this would be to drive a screwdriver into the lock cylinder and then use our channel locks on the shaft of the screw driver to spin the lock out (照片10)。

(10) Photo courtesy of John Buttrick.

The Locks


The four most common types of locks seen on these doors are the mortise pivoting deadbolt (照片11), the mortise retracting deadbolt (照片12), the mortise deadlatch (photo 13), a type of panic hardware, and the rim lock panic hardware (photo 14)。The mortise deadbolt is a pivoting deadbolt.


Vertical bar rim locks

Rim locks are surface-mounted locks. The deadlatch is usually attached to the panic bar itself and sits inside of a keeper mounted to the outside of the door frame. These doors are very simple to force with standard outward-swinging techniques and would not necessitate TTL techniques on the fireground. An exception to the rule would be vertical bar rim locks (photo 15)。These locks are quite common. A vertical bar runs the height of the door and extends into the top and bottom of the door frame when locked or can have deadlatches at the top and bottom. There are varying levels of security with these locks. If standard irons prying at the top and bottom does not disengage these locks, then TTL methods could be warranted. Another thing to consider when dealing with panic hardware is that if door control is of no concern, breaking the glass, though not perhaps the first option, could be considered since you could reach in by hand or with a tool to pull the panic bar towards you.

Pulling vs. Cutting


Saw setup for forcible entry

一些部门选择将其强制入口保持在舷外位置,如果主要用于强制入口。这将刀片移至杆的外部,从而使锯放入更紧密的位置。尽管它没有明显的优势切割弯刀螺栓,但在面对其他强制入境挑战时,它可以提供优势,例如后部和侧面商业门(photo 16)。

halligan adz driven in for forcing entry

两名消防员最容易切割锁。哈利根(Halligan)的adz被驱动在锁上上方,留出了足够的空间让锯工作,然后一名消防员使用它来缝制门,就像常规强制入口中的碎裂缝隙一样(photo 17)。This provides the saw firefighter plenty of room to access the deadbolt. In such a situation, the firefighter holding the halligan should stand to the right side of the firefighter doing the cutting. This will place the pike of the halligan pointing up, leaving plenty of room for the cut to be made. If the halligan is brought in from the left, as seen in photo 16, the pike of the halligan will be pointing down and can interfere with the cutting operation. This operation can still be performed by one firefighter but the gap will only be as large as what the halligan displaces when driven in. Another option is to drive the blade of the ax in at an angle below the lock, much as you would to obtain a gap for a single person force of an outward-swinging door (photo 18)。

雷克斯工具on mortise lock
(19) 照片由约翰·巴特里克(John Buttrick)提供

Pulling Mortise Locks

When using the K-Tool or Rex Tool on a mortise cylinder, the tool is beat down onto the lock. The blades of the tool are kept flush with the face of the door in order to achieve a bite on the lock cylinder itself, instead of just the face of the lock (photo 19)。One the tool is secure; the lock cylinder is pried out of the door face, leaving the firefighter an opening into the mechanism of the lock itself. The back of a mortise cylinder will have a cam (photo 20), which is an indication that it is a mortise lock and not a rim lock. Mortise pivoting deadbolts are the most common lock body found in these glass storefront doors. There is a rolling pin(照片21)如果对关键工具的倾斜端感到沮丧(photo 22), can be moved from one side to the other. Once the pin has been moved and locked into position, the door is unlocked. To secure the building, just move the pin back to the original locking side. The mortise dead latch does not have this rolling pin. It has a sliding mechanism (photo 23),当远离的边缘拉回来door, slides the deadlatch in, unlocking the door. The firefighter must keep pressure on this slide while pulling on the door or the latch will spring back into place. The mortise retractable deadbolt will have a mechanism the will be slid from one side to the other; when slid, it will retract the deadbolt (photo 24)。无论您是在火场上拉锁还是在水锣的激活上旋转锁或其他一些低敏锐的调用,该过程都是完全相同的。



如前所述,轮辋锁通常易于使用常规铁杆强制。例外可以是带有垂直杆的轮辋锁。如果您选择的迫使这扇门的方法是TTL,那么您需要知道操作与拉动和操纵弯曲锁的操作不同。拉锁类似于拉动弯曲锁。K-Tool或Rex工具刀片与门保持冲洗,并将工具向下驱动到锁上。轮辋锁的锁脸比弯曲锁更薄。如果您在圆柱体上没有咬合的咬合时,便会尝试拉出便宜的边缘锁脸时可能会破裂。一旦用工具在圆柱体上咬一口,请撬开工具,将圆柱体从门的脸部拉出。当您拉出边缘锁时,锁缸的背面将有一个茎(photo 25)。这是轮锁锁而不是弯曲锁的明显标志。从门的脸上看时,您正在寻找交叉图案或水平/垂直插槽(photo 26)。The firefighter can stick the straight end of his key tool (photo 27) or a screwdriver into the opening and manipulate the lock by turning it until the lock has unlocked. The firefighter must keep pressure on it as he opens the door or the door will most likely lock back before he can open it. Once passing through this door, since it is panic hardware, the firefighter on the inside will be able to easily get out, however, the door will have to be slightly chocked if a hoseline has not been placed through it. This will keep the door from locking again and keeping other firefighters from entering the building without having to manipulate the lock again.

Cross patter on rim lock
(26) Photo courtesy of John Buttrick.
Straight end of key tol


This has been just a brief overview on fireground TTL techniques and uses and is far from exhaustive on the subject. While overall TTL methods are simple procedures, they require attention to detail and technical savvy for firefighters to be successful. It would be a good idea for departments or firefighters to buy commercial props or build cheap homemade TTL props to help firefighters fine-tune the technique of pulling locks. TTL on the fireground is often ignored, but a well-disciplined and trained truck company at the scene of a commercial fire can make quick work of multiple storefront doors using these techniques.

CLAY MAGEE是Magic City Truck Academy的讲师,以及伯明翰(AL)消防和救援的消防员/护理人员。马吉(Magee)于2004年在东俄克斯岛(MS)消防部门开始了他的职业生涯。他拥有密西西比州立大学的工商管理学士学位,哥伦比亚南部大学的消防科学副学士学位以及阿拉巴马州消防学院的多项认证。他曾在消防工程领域发表,并为消防工程社区做出了贡献188金宝搏是正规吗。他是深南消防会议的组织者,并在路易斯安那州立大学阿拉巴马州消防学院(FETI),亚特兰大大都会消防员会议(MAFFC)和阿拉巴马州多个部门教授热门课程,并在MAFFC讲授。
